Value, Worth, Hope, Trust, Interdependence, Responsibility, Character, Purpose, Honesty and Integrity... these are just some of the values that we endeavour to pass onto the learners who attend our camp based Life Orientation programmes. Thank you to all those who have already linked Impilo neqiniso onto your MySchool card. We have reached the required 50 applications and have sent them in so you should be receiving your cards in a short while. We have listed the partner organisation of the Woolworths MySchool programme below. These organisations also donate a portion of your purchase from them to the fundraising programme.
During 2015 we have run 6 camps and 2 day trainings through Impilo, focussing on: leadership, family values.
The Daniel Generation Academy
The Daniel Generation Academy has arisen out of the need to train facilitators for our Impilo programme who can engage youth in their mother tongue and be active role models for the learners who come on camp. There are many ‘give a year of your life’ programmes out there for school leavers. We wanted to provide a programme which will prepare our facilitators to enter the job market with a university degree of their choice and marketable business life skills which will set them up to be ‘people who so distinguish themselves among the workforce by their exceptional qualities that others can find no corruption in them, because they are trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent’. Daniel 6. Out of this plan arose a four year programme to build into the lives of the facilitators. Camps which are sponsored through Impilo therefore also sponsor and prepare leaders who will make a difference in their community.